Archive for the ‘comics’ Category

Somehow there are still more valentines for archivists

February 13, 2020

Because relationships aren’t just for EAC…

Valentines for archivists

More valentines for archivists

More valentines for archivists

This cute cartoon animal asks: Do you like me? And you can answer: yes, no, or (every archivist's favorite) it depends

This cute cartoon animal asks: Do you like me? And you can answer: yes, no, or (every archivist’s favorite) it depends

"Say OAI-yes!" Love is complicated, so there's a diagram that's somehow even more so.

“Say OAI-yes!” Love is complicated, so there’s a diagram that’s somehow even more so.

"Whatever future historians say, I know we're more than friends." That's what these two historical dudes are saying while one sits in the other's lap.

“Whatever future historians say, I know we’re more than friends.” That’s what these two historical dudes are saying while one sits in the other’s lap.

Photo credits:

Image taken from page 315 of ‘Lilliput Lyrics … 

OAIS Functional Entities

Vintage Gay and Lesbian Photos found by Homo History

Celebrate Chanukah in the archives

December 19, 2014
Celebrate Chanukah in the archives

Tell the story of the funding that miraculously lasted for eight years. Spin the dreidel (what do you win? It depends!). Reclaim your reading room from holiday treat-munchers.

Last-minute Halloween costumes for archivists

October 31, 2014

How appropriate, a last-minute comic for last-minute costumes!

Last-minute Halloween costumes for archivists

Cowboy hat + mask + holster full of archival supplies = The Lone Arranger. Fox ear and tail + flashlight = Light Foxing. Or, the ultimate in laziness: a T-shirt that just says <physdesc>This is my Halloween costume</physdesc>.

Let’s play #thatdarnlist BINGO

September 4, 2014

Instead of complaining about everyone’s favorite listserv, why not turn it into a game?

Some common A&A occurrences, represented as a bingo card.

Some common A&A occurrences, represented as a bingo card.

Use this bingo card generator and my text list (after the jump) to make your own cards!


Archives: The Venn Diagram

March 8, 2013

I made this for a presentation and I kind of like it, so I thought I’d share.

Appraisal without acquisition is just wishful thinking. Acquisitions without preservation is just hoarding. Preservation without access is just stockpiling. If you’re doing all these things AND providing access, you’ve got an archives.

Appraisal without acquisition is just wishful thinking. Acquisitions without preservation is just hoarding. Preservation without access is just stockpiling. If you’re doing all these things AND providing access, you’ve got an archives.

Yeah, the design isn’t the best. Hooray for CC-licenses so you can improve it and share alike!

Why Canadian Archives are Awesome

May 25, 2012

Why Canadian Archives are Awesome

Hey archivists, did you know that Canadian archives are in trouble? It’s true! Check out the Canadian Council of Archives’ call to action, and follow the Archivists’ On to Ottawa Trek Tumblr to learn more about demonstrations happening this Monday!

(Comic transcript after the jump.)
